Season 2 Episode 18
Season 2 Episode 18
Cabe joined Lewis & Ellis in 1996 specializing in product development, accident & health insurance, and healthcare analysis. Cabe assists a variety of clients with the design and pricing of risk programs, the financial valuation of both short-term and long-term health coverages, and the financial regulation of insurers and health plans. Cabe's clients include HMOs, insurers, brokers, TPA, state and federal regulatory agencies, reinsurers, attorneys, and employers, among others.
In 2012 Cabe served on an interim basis as the Chief Actuary for the California Department of Managed Healthcare, the agency that regulates California health plans. This temporary appointment was in addition to the multi-year contract to review all health plan rate filings on behalf of the Department as well as assist the California Department of Insurance with long-term care insurance oversight.
Annually since 2005, Cabe has led the team that has assisted the federal agency Centers for Medicare and Medicare ("CMS") to audit and perform bid reviews of Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug plans.
Cabe has also spearheaded the development of a compliance and policy form development and filing consulting practice within L&E.
Cabe is involved in the affairs of his profession and the insurance industry by being an active speaker regarding product development, marketing, healthcare reform, and financial reporting issues.
Prior to joining Lewis & Ellis, Cabe was Vice President at Pan American Life as well as a consultant at Mercer. Cabe was involved with individual and group accident and health products as well as consulting with medical providers on payment methods, including risk and capitation approaches.
Cabe holds a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics with a minor in Computer Science from Louisiana State University.
Cabe has been an active industry speaker as well as performed research and volunteer efforts to the benefit of the industry. These include: California Department of Managed Healthcare – May 2012 "Large Group Rating Engines"
Cabe co-authored the article “Impact of Proposed Health Care Reform on Smaller Insurance Companies” for the Society of Actuaries.
Cabe was a key member of the joint work group of the American Academy of Actuaries and the Society of Actuaries that was created to provide a detailed analysis of the capital requirements that would be required for either a public plan option or series of health insurance cooperatives. Cabe was largely responsible for the detailed modeling involved and was one of three work group members who presented the results to United States congressional staffers.
In 2009 Cabe lead the L&E team that was awarded a contract by the Society of Actuaries to assess the accuracy of commonly used IBNR estimation methods over a wide range of scenarios. The resulting report is available on the SOA's website.
Moderator, SOA's 2002 Webcast Introducing the new NAIC Health Reserves Guidance Manual.
To meet market demand for relevant products, insurance companies often develop specialized products to expand into new distribution channels. In determining a product design, Chadick suggests considering external factors.
It is important to analyze economic trends, competitor behavior, customer expectations, and regulatory changes when developing successful products. Researching a competitor’s product design can offer valuable insights.
Cabe suggests that in addition to conducting your own research, you can also utilize digital resources. Most of this information is publicly available since insurers are required to disclose certain information to their state department of insurance.
The number of product reporting requirements in states is increasing. Insurers can obtain information from Google or from a state DOI website to facilitate their decision-making process.
Insurers use statistical modeling to predict certain outcomes, including how much a claim will cost. Each action health block has a claim reserve, and the insurer reports those numbers quarterly for all their policies.
As an actuary, Cabe emphasizes that insurers use statistics to predict outcomes such as future claim payout amounts. Furthermore, insurance rates are determined through rate making and equitable rating plans are developed.
It’s rare, but if we can’t find a comparable product on the market for a new product, then we have to stick our finger in the air. It does not happen often. But when it does, we earn our reputation as conservative.
For managing product development and risks, insurers have many resources at their disposal including actuaries. They provide their expertise to insurance companies, reinsurance companies, actuarial consultancies, banks, regulatory agencies, rating agencies, and government agencies.
Be sure to tune into next month’s episode as we continue our discussions with Morgan White Group CEO David White and COO Rick Eaton as they discuss strategies for growing a business.
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